US08334889B2 Auto stereoscopic 3D telepresence using integral holography 有权

Auto stereoscopic 3D telepresence using integral holography
A holographic direct-view display system uses holographic integral imaging techniques that is an auto stereoscopic way to reproduce parallax and occlusion. The display is not resolution limited and is scalable to display life size images if desired. The system can be used to transmit 3D depictions of a scene at video and sub-video rates as well as other information, such as images of documents or computer generated images. The images may be captured, transmitted and displayed in real-time (or near real-time) for telepresence or stored for time-shifted display. The system combines integral holography, a pulsed laser to record the hologram at high speed and a dynamic refreshable holographic material such as a photorefractive polymer as a recording media. The system uses techniques to write, read and erase the updateable hologram that allow the holographic material, hence direct-view display to remain stationary throughout each of the processes for continuous presentation of the hologram to the audience. The system may write, read and erase at the same time and continuously to increase throughput. This system may also use additional novel techniques to improve brightness, efficiently implement a full-parallax display and to implement a full-color display in a transmission geometry.