US08353757B2 Methods and systems for representing outcomes of a casino game in a non-casino game format 有权

Methods and systems for representing outcomes of a casino game in a non-casino game format
In accordance with some embodiments, a plurality of outcomes are generated and used to create a video presentation of representative outcomes. The video presentation is recorded onto a tangible medium (e.g., DVD or CD-ROM) or otherwise provided to a player (e.g., a player may access the video presentation online). In one embodiment, each of the individual outcomes may be represented via a video that depicts a continuous event that provides an indication of the outcomes. This allows a player to purchase a video presentation of (e.g., predetermined outcomes in a jurisdiction in which gambling is legal, yet view the presentation at the player's convenience (e.g., from any jurisdiction and at any time). The player, in one embodiment, may either view the outcomes via a traditional gaming device interface (e.g., via a representation of slot reels) and as discreet outcomes, or view a video that depicts a continuous event, as determined by the discreet outcomes. In some embodiments, a player may view a video and/or interact with a game that represents one or more previously-generated outcomes using a theme other than that of a traditional wagering game (e.g., outcomes may be communicated to the player using a video game theme, such a sports or adventure game). A player who purchases such a video presentation may subsequently redeem it for a redemption value associated therewith.