US08427217B1 Phase interpolator based on an injected passive RLC resonator 有权

Phase interpolator based on an injected passive RLC resonator
A phase interpolation circuit based on injected passive capacitances and an inductance for forming a resonator. The circuit conducts at least a first reference signal having a first phase component and a second reference signal having a second phase component shifted from the first phase component. By selectively switching the first reference signal and/or the second reference signal through one or more capacitances, an interpolated third signal having a third phase component between the first phase component and the second phase component can be generated. An inductor is connected with one or more of the capacitances for forming a resonant circuit to boost the signal level of the interpolated third signal. By utilizing resonance, an improved signal-to-noise ratio may be obtained for the interpolated third signal. An additional amplification stage, secondary to the resonant circuit, may be incorporated for further amplifying the signal level of the interpolated third signal.