US08494211B2 House change judgment method and house change judgment program 有权

  • 专利标题: House change judgment method and house change judgment program
  • 专利标题(中): 房屋变更判决方法和房屋变更判决方案
  • 申请号: US12734166
    申请日: 2008-10-20
  • 公开(公告)号: US08494211B2
    公开(公告)日: 2013-07-23
  • 发明人: Hideki ShimamuraLin Zhu
  • 申请人: Hideki ShimamuraLin Zhu
  • 申请人地址: JP Tokyo
  • 专利权人: Pasco Corporation
  • 当前专利权人: Pasco Corporation
  • 当前专利权人地址: JP Tokyo
  • 代理机构: Oliff & Berridge, PLC
  • 优先权: JP2007-272000 20071019
  • 国际申请: PCT/JP2008/068984 WO 20081020
  • 国际公布: WO2009/051258 WO 20090423
  • 主分类号: G06K9/00
  • IPC分类号: G06K9/00
House change judgment method and house change judgment program
It is an object to improve the accuracy of a house change judgment based on images and the like acquired by an airplane. A terrain altitude is subtracted from an attitude value of a digital surface model (DSM) acquired from an airplane or the like to generate a normalized DSM (NDSM). A judgment target region is segmented into a plurality of regions of elevated part for each elevated part with a size corresponding to a house appearing on the NDSM. An outline of the house is extracted from each region of elevated part and a house object containing three-dimensional information on the house is defined by the outline and NDSM data within the outline. The house objects acquired at two different time points, respectively, are compared to detect a variation between the two different time points, and a judgment as to a house change is made based on the variation.