US08495635B2 Mechanism to enable and ensure failover integrity and high availability of batch processing 失效

Mechanism to enable and ensure failover integrity and high availability of batch processing
A method, system and computer program product manages a batch processing job by: partitioning the batch processing job for execution in a plurality of batch execution servers from a cluster of computers; designating one computer from the cluster as a primary command server that oversees and coordinates execution of the batch processing job; selecting a second computer from the cluster to serve as a failover command server; storing an object data grid structure in the primary command server; replicating the object grid structure to create and store a replicated object grid structure in the failover command server; in response to the primary command server failing, restarting, by the failover command server, execution of batch processes from the batch processing job in the plurality of batch execution servers utilizing objects within the replicated object grid structure, and executing the batch processes with processing states at the time of the failover.