US08581592B2 Downhole methods and assemblies employing an at-bit antenna 有权

Downhole methods and assemblies employing an at-bit antenna
Logging tools and methods employing an at-bit loop antenna to acquire azimuthal resistivity measurements proximate to the bit enable low-latency geosteering signals to be generated. In some embodiments, the at-bit antenna is part of a bottom hole assembly that includes a drill bit, a mud motor, and a resistivity tool. The mud motor is positioned between the at-bit antenna and the resistivity tool. The resistivity tool includes at least one loop antenna that is not parallel to the at-bit loop antenna. The at-bit antenna is part of an at-bit module that, in some embodiments, transmits periodic electromagnetic signal pulses for the resistivity tool to measure. In other embodiments, the at-bit module measures characteristics of electromagnetic signal pulses sent by the resistivity tool and communicates the measured characteristics to the resistivity tool via a short hop telemetry link.