US08606843B2 Efficient processing of a convoy workflow scenario in a message driven process 失效

Efficient processing of a convoy workflow scenario in a message driven process
An XLANG/s compiler detects convoy scenarios during compilation and generates runtime directives to correctly correlate incoming messages with business process instances. A convoy scenario, present in event driven processes, is defined by a correlation set initialized during a receive operation which is provided to a subsequent receive operation. The compiler detects those convoy scenarios by analyzing the control and dataflow of a XLANG/s program. Three convoy patterns are distinguished: (1) activation convoys, (2) uniform sequential convoys, and (3) non-uniform sequential convoys. XLANG/s allows declarative descriptions of convoy scenarios without requiring an understanding of the low-level details supporting their correct execution. Convoy scenarios are processed by statically analyzing a written workflow application to deduce the nature and type of convoy scenarios used by the application. Information is extracted at compile time to support the runtime infrastructure. The runtime infrastructure is tightly integrated with the underlying correlation and subscription evaluation framework.