US08775026B2 Vehicle steering control device and method 有权

Vehicle steering control device and method
A steering control device obtains a command steering reactive force according to a wheel angle based on a wheel angle and table data representing the correlation between the wheel angle and the command steering reactive force, and which controls an electric-control brake to make the steering reactive force equal to the command steering reactive force. The steering control device: obtains a correction coefficient according to vehicle state amounts based on the vehicle state amounts other than the wheel angle, which are detected by vehicle state amount detecting means, and table data representing the correlation between the vehicle state amounts and the correction coefficients; corrects the table data by using the correction coefficients; obtains a command steering reactive force according to the wheel angle based on the table data and the wheel angle; and controls the electric-control brake to make the steering reactive force equal to the command steering reactive force.
B 作业;运输
B62 无轨陆用车辆
B62D 机动车;挂车(农用机械或机具的转向机构或在所要求轨道上的引导装置入A01B69/00;车轮,脚轮,车轴,提高车轮的附着力入B60B;车用轮胎,轮胎充气或轮胎的更换入B60C;拖有挂车的牵引车或类似车辆之间的连接入B60D;轨道和道路两用车辆,两栖或可转换的车辆入B60F;悬架装置的配置入B60G;加热、冷却、通风或其他空气处理设备入B60H;车窗,挡风玻璃,非固定车顶,门或类似装置,车辆不用时的护套入B60J;动力装置的布置,辅助驱动装置,传动装置,控制机构,仪表或仪表板入B60K;电动车辆的电力装备或动力装置入B60L;电动车辆的电源线入B60M;其他类目不包含的乘客用设备入B60N;适用于货运或装载特殊货物或物体的入B60P;用于一般车辆信号或照明装置的布置,其安装或支承或者其电路入B60Q;其他类目不包含的车辆,车辆配件或车辆部件入B60R;其他类目不包含的保养,清洗,修理,支承,举升或调试入B60S;制动器布置,制动控制系统或其部件入B60T;气垫车入B60V;摩托车及其所用附件入B62J,B62K;车辆试验入G01M)
B62D6/00 根据所检测和响应行驶条件自动控制转向的装置,例如控制回路(用于产生方向改变的装置入B62D1/00;转向阀入B62D5/06;与在转弯时使车体或车轮倾斜的装置组合的入B62D9/00)