US08860156B2 Minimal thickness synthetic antiferromagnetic (SAF) structure with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for STT-MRAM 有权

Minimal thickness synthetic antiferromagnetic (SAF) structure with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for STT-MRAM
A synthetic antiferromagnetic (SAF) structure for a spintronic device is disclosed and has an AP2/antiferromagnetic (AF) coupling/CoFeB configuration. The SAF structure is thinned to reduce the fringing (Ho) field while maintaining high coercivity. The AP2 reference layer has intrinsic perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) and induces PMA in a thin CoFeB layer through AF coupling. In one embodiment, AF coupling is improved by inserting a Co dusting layer on top and bottom surfaces of a Ru AF coupling layer. When AP2 is (Co/Ni)4, and CoFeB thickness is 7.5 Angstroms, Ho is reduced to 125 Oe, Hc is 1000 Oe, and a balanced saturation magnetization-thickness product (Mst)=0.99 is achieved. The SAF structure may also be represented as FL2/AF coupling/CoFeB where FL2 is a ferromagnetic layer with intrinsic PMA.