US08920322B2 Valve treatment simulation from medical diagnostic imaging data 有权

Valve treatment simulation from medical diagnostic imaging data
Valve treatment simulation is performed from patient specific imaging data for therapy planning. A model of the valve may be generated from the patient specific data automatically or with very minimal user indication of anatomy locations relative to an image. Any characteristics for the valve not extracted from images of the patient may be added to create a volumetric model. Added characteristics include chordae, such as chordae length and leaflet fiber direction. The characteristics may be adjusted based on user feedback and/or comparison with images of the patient. The effect of therapy on closure of the valve may be simulated from the model. For instance, mitral clip intervention is simulated on the patient-specific model. Valves are deformed according to the clip location. Valve closure is then simulated to predict effect of the therapy in terms of mitral regurgitation.