US09187330B2 Tubular nanostructure targeted to cell membrane 有权

Tubular nanostructure targeted to cell membrane
Devices, compositions, and methods are described which provide a tubular nanostructure targeted to a lipid bilayer membrane. The targeted tubular nanostructure can have a surface region configured to pass through a lipid bilayer membrane of a cell, a hydrophobic surface region flanked by two hydrophilic surface regions configured to form a pore in a lipid bilayer membrane of a cellular organelle, and at least one ligand configured to bind one or more cognates on the lipid bilayer membrane of the cellular organelle. The target cell can be, for example, a tumor cell, an infected cell, or a diseased cell in a subject. The tubular nanostructure can form a pore in the lipid bilayer membrane of the cellular organelle, e.g., mitochondria, which can permit transit or translocation of at least one compound across the membrane and cause cell death of the target cell.