Method for producing lithium-ion batteries
A method for producing lithium-ion batteries comprising the steps of (a) forming, on a substrate, a cathode current collector layer and a stack of a cathode layer made from a material capable of inserting lithium ions, an electrolyte layer and an anode layer, (b) depositing a lithium layer on the anode layer in order to form a lithium alloy, (c) short-circuiting the anode and cathode layers by depositing an anode current collector layer on the anode layer, thereby causing the diffusion of the lithium ions from the anode layer to the cathode layer, and (d) separating the batteries, resulting in the opening of the short-circuit between the anode and cathode layers in all the batteries. The method simplifies and improves the method for producing lithium-ion microbatteries and improves the diffusion of the lithium ions from the anode layer to the cathode layer after short-circuiting these two layers.