System and method for on site aerial dissemination and atmospheric disposal of all leachates and wastewaters
A method and system for on-site aerial dissemination of oxidatively converted particles with substantial atmospheric disposal of the water component of all regulated and defined leachates and regulated and defined wastewaters. These leachates and wastewaters (defined as water containing 2 or more detectable regulated, defined and known contaminants) may include collecting the leachate or wastewater, having multiple contaminating suspended and perhaps precipitated solids therein, and aerially disseminating and disposing of said leachate or wastewater on the site of its generation. The defined leachate or wastewater is directed to an “Integrated Mobile Aerosolization System (IMAS)” having a turbine and being fully integrated and mobile. Thereafter, the mixture is directed from the IMAS and the contaminants aerially disseminated and disposed of over a defined and designated area on the site where the defined leachate or wastewater is created.