Methods of imparting conductivity to materials used in composite article fabrication and materials thereof
Embodiments of the invention are directed to metal- or metal alloy-coated sheet materials (hereinafter, “metal-coated sheet material”) including, but not limited to, fabrics and veils which have a metal content of between one (1) and fifty (50) grams per square meter (gsm). The metal-coated sheet materials may be used as-is or in conjunction with prepregs, adhesives or surfacing films to provide lightning strike protection (LSP) and/or bulk conductivity, among other benefits, to the resultant composite article. In one embodiment, the metal-coated sheet material is impregnated with a resin. According to embodiments of the invention, a metal is applied to one or two sides of the fabric or veil by a physical vapor deposition coating process. The resultant metal-coated fabric or veil may be used as a carrier in surfacing films to impart surface conductivity; may be used as a carrier in adhesives to form conductive adhesive-bonded joints; may be interleaved (one or more metal-coated veils) between layers of prepreg to impart surface and/or bulk conductivity as well as toughness; or may be used to fabricate composite articles.