Sub-milliamp mechanical relay control
A relay driver circuit, suitable for controlling a bistable relay, includes .[.a storage device which is charged to a first voltage level by a low current flow voltage source..]. .Iadd.a transformer which handles both an information signal and a control signal and a storage device. The control signal is provided by a low current low voltage source. .Iaddend.A first switching circuit couples the storage device to the bistable relay when the first voltage level exceeds a predetermined value. The charge on the storage device is dumped into the relay and forces it into a first state (set). A second switching circuit is coupled to sense the voltage on the storage device and the voltage on the low voltage source. When the voltage on the low voltage source falls below the voltage on the storage device, current flows from the storage device and forces the relay into a second state (reset). The reset time is within 100 .mu.s.