USRE38491E1 Composition for producing low sintering temperature ceramic dielectrics and method of manufacturing such dielectrics 失效

Composition for producing low sintering temperature ceramic dielectrics and method of manufacturing such dielectrics
Powders of BaCO3, TiO2, ZnO, etc. are mixed to each other at a predetermined ratio of quantity, calcined in an atmospheric air at &pgr;°-120° C., and pulverized to obtain a calcined powder having an average grain size from 1 to 3 &mgr; m, 0.1 to 20 parts-by weight of a powder having an average grain size from 0.1 to 1.5 &mgr;m comprising a glass having a transition point of not higher than 450° C. obtained by mixing powders of Pb3O4, SiO2, Na2O, etc. to each other, melting and then pouring into water and pulverizing the thus obtained glass is admixed to the calcined powder. The mixture is dried, pelleted by adding a resin and the pellet powder is molded into a cylindrical shape, applied with CIP (Cold isotartic press), and the molding product after the treatment is sintered in an atmospheric air at 850° to 1000° C. to obtain a dielectric ceramic sintered at low temperature. The resultant dielectric ceramic has high denseness and high unloaded Q value while maintaining &tgr;f within a practical range.