To overcome problems due to interaction between the electrical contacts and the liquid, the air gap (28) of the angular movement sensor (11) is a wall of insulating material which sealedly separates the space containing the linkage (10) and the rotor (23) of the angular movement sensor (11) from that containing the stator (24) of the angular movement sensor (11) and the relative circuit which processes the level data and displays the result. In addition, to prevent any deformity of the tank in which the device is installed from being able to influence the measurement, the shaft (14) and cylindrical casing (9) may be telescopic. The base of the cylindrical casing and the base of the tank are therefore always in contact.
An apparatus is proposed for indicating the level of fuel or other liquid contained in a tank. The apparatus consists of a cylindrical casing closed at its two ends by two suitably shaped disc-like covers, and internally comprising two guides on which there slides a float provided with a slot within which there is engaged a rod having its ends connected to a rotary moving element which comprises on its top a contact which slides along a resistor installed on the upper disc-like cover of the cylindrical casing. As the height of the float varies within the cylindrical casing, which is suitably holed to allow the liquid to enter or leave, the position of contact along the resistor varies with corresponding variation in the electrical signal measured at its output.