One-dimensional compression is effected by addressing a first ROM (62) with information in respect of the length and the type of run. One-dimensional decompression is effected by addressing with the compressed code, a second ROM, bearing the information in respect of the runs and the length of the code. That is provided by a shift register controlled by a logic unit capable of recognising a group of least significant bits, to permit additional shifting of the register, and addressing of the second ROM with a bit number less than the maximum length of the codes. For two-dimensional compression or decompression, there is provided a pair of RAMS for temporarily storing a reference line which, together with the current line, actuates a logic means (38), for controlling coding and decoding of the latter. For compression of the medium tones, besides the runs of the two colours, coding is effect in respect of the runs of the alternations of the two colours defined on the basis of the colour of the initial pixel, and the type of the successive run is defined. Besides the coding and decoding for two- colour images, the two ROMs also carry the coding and decoding for images with the half-tones. Finally, the apparatus comprises an archive memory which can be connected to the compression module for achival storage of the images with the maximum degree of compression. By instead connecting the decompression module between the archive memory and the compression module, the image can be transmitted with a type of compression compatible with the receiving station.
Disclosed is an image processing apparatus comprising an image compression conversion unit to quantize an image having attribute data for each pixel, wherein when a region has the attribute data of a photographic image, the image compression conversion unit quantizes the region by a BTC method, wherein when a region has the attribute data of other than the photographic image, and the region is a halftone region, the image compression conversion unit quantizes the region by the BTC method, and wherein when a region has the attribute data of other than the photographic image, and the region is a high resolution region, the image compression conversion unit generates a density pattern for the region to quantize the region according to the generated density pattern.
A method of compressing data representative of a set of bit mask arrays is disclosed. Initially, data representative of a number of bit masks (54) is stored where each bit mask being a binary array is represented by a plurality of binary numbers. The binary numbers are then re-ordered to generate a plurality of sets of line masks (56) each line mask comprising a number of binary numbers wherein each binary number in a line mask corresponds to a binary number defining a part of a different one of said number of bit masks. An exclusive or operation is then performed for each pair of binary numbers in each line mask and the array after performing the operation (60) is then run length encoded. The original data can be regenerated by performing the operations in reverse.
An image processing circuit includes: a plurality of counters that extract image blocks each of which includes a predetermined number of pixels from input image data, count a number of pixels having a predetermined value for each of the image blocks, calculate a pixel value for each of the extracted image blocks, and output a plurality of bit streams each of which represents the counted number for a respective image block, the number of the plurality of counters being larger than a bit length defined for a single writing process with the memory divided by the bit length of a value calculated for an image block; a converter that converts the bit streams output from the plurality of counters, by adjusting a bit length of the bit streams for writing in the memory, and outputs the converted bit streams; and a synthesizer that synthesizes the plurality of bit streams output from the converter to generate a bit stream having the bit length defined for a single writing process with the memory, and outputs the generated bit stream.
On the basis of the results of comparison between the threshold value of a uniform random number fed from a uniform random number generator and the pixel value of an original image signal, each pixel value of the original image signal is encoded. The encoded image signal thus generated is transferred. A decoding device having received the transferred data accumulates the encoded values in the transfer data for each kind corresponding to the pixel value in the original image signal and counts the number of accumulations to decode the encoded value corresponding to each pixel of the accumulated original image signals on the basis of the counted number.
The invention relates to a method, a system and a computer program for compressing and transmitting image raster data, whereby gray image regions are displayed in the form of dither cells. An RIP module (RIP) generates image raster data. Dither cells are combined to form rectangles. Rectangular data is transmitted separately to a file (Da) from a standard compression method.
A dithered image (301) compression system that converts a source image into an image that is efficiently compressed and yet preserves the visual image information of the original source image in a computer environment. A preferred embodiment of the invention removes the image data from the source image that are lost during the normal storage and halftoning stages in one step. Each pixel in the source image is compared to the threshold array values (302). If the value of the source image pixel (303) is less than the corresponding threshold array pixel (304), then a zero (309) is placed in that position in the dithered image array (308), otherwise a one is placed in the dithered image array. The dithered image array (308) is then compared with the threshold array (302), thereby creating a range array (312) where the range of each pixel is determined using the dithered image array values combined with the threshold array values. A value selection is then made from the range array (316) to create a derived image array where one value (317) is selected from the range that has been established for each pixel. The actual value selected depends on the desired print quality and/or compression ratio. The result is an image that is much simpler than the source image and can be compressed without any further loss of information because the amount of data known to be lost has been removed. The derived image will produce the same dithered image using the same threshold array as the original source image in the halftone process.