A ship designed to achieve high speed through the use of multiple, low wave-making resistance, submerged hullform pods is constructed for stable operation during maneuvers with and without a payload. Movable fins on the submerged hullform pods are constructed and are operable to provide the turning and to counteract an inertial moment produced by an elevated center of gravity of the ship so that the ship turns flat or rolls into a turn and does not roll out of a turn. A load balancing pod is movable fore-to-aft and side-to-side to balance the amount and the location of varied payloads on the ship. The movement of the fins may be a tilting movement, or each fin can be maintained at a set angle but extendable out of and retractable into a related pod to create the amount of side force needed for maneuvers and/or to control the amount of lift that might be needed during operation of the ship.