Systems and methods for storing protein structure information are provided. The system comprises a non-public database storing protein structure information, wherein the non-public database is coupled to a public database of non-proprietary protein structure information and to non-public sources of proprietary protein structure information. The non-public database may also be coupled to a database having protein structure information for substantially all the proteins of at least one organism genome. The method may comprise loading protein structure data from at least one public database and loading protein structure data from one or more proprietary sources of protein structure information. The public database may comprise the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Certain types of additional information are also advantageously loaded into the database. These may include classification data corresponding to at least one protein ontology. Mass spectroscopy data, NMR data and x-ray crystallography data may also be loaded into the database.
The disclosure relates to a method of estimating the polar component of the solvation energy for a molecule embedded in different media. In one embodiment, the molecule is partially embedded in a membrane. For an atom of the molecule, the polar component of the atom's solvation energy is represented as a combination of at least a self-energy term and a screening-effect term. The self-energy term represents the contribution to the atom's polar component made by the membrane and the molecule's other atoms located inside the membrane. The screening-effect term represents the typically negative contribution to the atom's polar component made by the molecule's other atoms located outside the membrane. An analytical function is used to calculate the self-energy term.
Magnetic resonance data is generated as a set of digital signals in the time domain. Each signal represents a multiplicity of parameters (for example two or three dimensions in the frequency domain). Transformation of such multiparameter (multidimensional) time domain signals into the frequency domain to provide multidimensional spectra (in frequency or in space for resonance imaging) utilizes discrete Fourier transformation in a spectral region of interest by calculating matrix products of data points corresponding to successively spaced values of the time domain signal in sequence with data signals corresponding to successive frequency points to obtain the output spectra. To increase the efficiency of the calculations "zero padding" may be accomplished directly in the frequency domain reconstructing more or less data points there than the corresponding number of the acquired time domain points, to increase or decrease digital resolution. Small information rich regions of the spectra (e.g., 2D and 3D NMR spectra) may be produced, without reconstruction of the other part of the spectra, directly from the time domain data, with no intermediate transposition step, and greatly reduced computational resources (e.g., disk input/output (I/O)).