Verification friendly models for SAT-based formal verification are generated from a given high-level design wherein during construction the following guidelines are enforced: 1) No re-use of functional units and registers; 2) Minimize the use of muxes and sharing; 3) Reduce the number of control steps; 4) Avoid pipelines; 5) Chose functional units from “verification friendly” library; 6) Re-use operations; 7) Perform property-preserving slicing; 8) Support “assume” and “assert” in the language specification; and 8) Use external memory modules instead of register arrays.
An accelerated High-Level Bounded Model Checking method that efficiently extracts high-level information from the model, uses that extracted information to obtain an improved verification model, and applies relevant information on-the-fly to simplify the BMC-problem instances.
A system and method is disclosed for formal verification of software programs that advantageously improves performance of an abstraction-refinement loop in the verification system.
A computer implemented method for modeling and verifying concurrent systems which uses Satisfiability-Modulo Theory (SMT)-based Bounded Model Checking (BMC) to detect violations of safety properties such as data races. A particularly distinguishing aspect of our inventive method is that we do not introduce wait-cycles in our symbolic models for the individual threads, which are typically required for considering an interleaved execution of the threads. These wait-cycles are detrimental to the performance of BMC. Instead, we first create independent models for the different threads, and add inter-model constraints lazily, incrementally, and on-the-fly during BMC unrolling to capture the sequential consistency and synchronization semantics. We show that our constraints provide a sound and complete modeling with respect to the considered semantics. One benefit of our lazy modeling method is the reduction in the size of the BMC problem instances, thereby, improving the verification performance in both runtime and memory.
A computer implemented testing methodology employing a scenario-driven modeling of specific instances of bug patterns that commonly occur in concurrent programs which encodes these instances in an SMT-based symbolic analysis. Such modeling and encoding advantageously allow the symbolic analysis framework to focus on real bugs, thereby allowing effective utilization of resources. Experimentation determined a number of previously unknown bugs in public benchmarks and advantageously scenario-specific modeling and encoding improves the scalability of symbolic technique and, therefore, improves overall quality of concurrency testing.
A system and method for bounded model checking of computer programs includes decomposing a program having at least one reachable property node for bounded model checking (BMC) into sub-problems by employing a tunneling and slicing-based (TSR) BMC reduction method. The sub-problems of the TSR method are partitioned in a distributed environment, where the distributed environment includes at least one master processing unit and at least one client unit. The sub-problems are solved by each client independently of other clients to reduce communication overhead and provide scalability.