Method for determination of the radiation stability of crystals





    IPC分类号: G01J330

    CPC分类号: G01N21/31

    摘要: The method for determining radiation stability of a crystal to radiation of a working wavelength to be employed in a subsequent application includes taking a first absorption spectrum (A) of a cleaved piece of the crystal with a given thickness (D) over a predetermined wavelength range from a first wavelength (&lgr;1) to a second wavelength (&lgr;2) by means of a spectrophotometer. Then the cleaved piece of the crystal is irradiated with an energetic radiation source so as to form all theoretically possible color centers (saturation). After the irradiating a second absorption spectrum (B) of the cleaved piece of crystal is taken over the same predetermined wavelength range. Then a surface integral of a difference spectrum of the first absorption spectrum and the second absorption spectrum over the predetermined wavelength range is formed and divided by the thickness (D) to obtain a scaled surface integral value. The absorption coefficient &Dgr;k at the working wavelength for the subsequent application is then obtained preferably from the scaled surface integral value for the damage induced by the energetic radiation and a calibration curve relating the absorption coefficient at the working wavelength to the surface integral of the absorption coefficient induced by the energetic radiation.