Spatially distributed spectrally neutral optical attenuator





    IPC分类号: G01B9/02

    CPC分类号: G02B26/02 A61B90/30 A61B90/36

    摘要: A system, apparatus and method for spatially distributed, spectrally neutral optical attenuation are disclosed. One embodiment of the apparatus comprises: an attenuator fin plate; a set of attenuator fins, wherein each of the fins is operably coupled to the fin plate at a preset fin angle to the fin plate normal such that the attenuator fins maintain their position relative to the fin plate as the fin plate moves; and a means for rotating the fin plate a set angular distance around an axis of rotation, wherein the axis of rotation is at a preset fin plate angle to a light beam direction of travel and wherein the attenuator fins block varying amounts of the light beam as the fin plate is rotated through the set angular distance. The attenuator fin plate and attenuator fins can be a single, integral component, wherein the attenuator fin plate is etched and stamped to form the attenuator fins, or separately formed components that are attached, for example, to a separate frame. The means for rotating the fin plate would then comprise means to rotate the attenuator frame. Means for rotating the attenuator fin plate or frame can include a stepper motor, for discrete step positions, or a continuously variable motor for infinitely variable positioning. The means for rotating the attenuator fin plate or frame can be electronically controlled, for example, by a microprocessor on a printed circuit board or other such controller as known to those having skill in the art. The preset fin angle can be 31 degrees, and the preset fin plate angle can be 90 degrees. Each of the attenuator fins can be operably coupled to the fin plate at the same preset fin angle and the fin plate and/or frame centered on the axis of rotation. Each fin's major axis can be parallel to every other fin's major axis, and the axis of rotation can be parallel to each fin's major axis. The set of attenuator fins can comprise eight attenuator fins and the attenuator fins can be spaced equally apart from one another. The attenuator fin plate and set of attenuator fins can be sized so as to interfere with the entire light beam cross-section/aperture at a position along the set angular distance corresponding to zero percent of the optical beam passing through the attenuator fins. The embodiments of the attenuator of this invention can be configured for use within an ophthalmic high brightness illumination system.