Heterocyclic compounds and their uses
    Heterocyclic compounds and their uses 失效





    摘要: Substituted bicyclic heteroaryls and compositions containing them, for the treatment of general inflammation, arthritis, rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis, inflammatory bowel disorders, inflammatory eye disorders, inflammatory or unstable bladder disorders, psoriasis, skin complaints with inflammatory components, chronic inflammatory conditions, including but not restricted to autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), myestenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, multiples sclerosis, Sjoegren's syndrome and autoimmune hemolytic anemia, allergic conditions including all forms of hypersensitivity, The present invention also enables methods for treating cancers that are mediated, dependent on or associated with p110δ activity, including but not restricted to leukemias, such as Acute Myeloid leukaemia (AML) Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) myelo-proliferative diseases (MPD) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL) B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL) Non Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL) B-cell lymphoma and solid tumors, such as breast cancer.

    摘要翻译: 取代的双环杂芳基和含有它们的组合物,用于治疗一般炎症,关节炎,风湿性疾病,骨关节炎,炎性肠病,炎症性眼病,炎症性或不稳定性膀胱病,牛皮癣,皮肤炎症成分的投诉,慢性炎性病症 不限于自身免疫性疾病如系统性红斑狼疮(SLE),重症肌无力,类风湿性关节炎,急性播散性脑脊髓炎,特发性血小板减少性紫癜,多发性硬化症,Sjoegren综合征和自身免疫性溶血性贫血,包括所有形式的超敏反应的过敏症状 包括但不限于白血病,例如急性骨髓性白血病(AML)骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)骨髓增生性疾病(MPD)慢性骨髓性白血病(Myeloid Leukemi)的介导,依赖或与p110delta活性相关的癌症的方法 (CML)T细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病(T-ALL)B细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病(B-ALL)非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)B细胞淋巴瘤和实体瘤如乳腺癌。