A number of biasing circuits for amplifiers including voltage controlled amplifier is presented. Also a number of field effect transistor circuits include voltage controlled attenuators or voltage controlled processing circuits. Example circuits include modulators, lower distortion variable voltage controlled resistors, sine wave to triangle wave converters, and or servo controlled biasing circuits.
A number of field effect transistor circuits include voltage controlled attenuators or voltage controlled processing circuits. Example circuits include modulators, lower distortion variable voltage controlled resistors, sine wave to triangle wave converters, and or servo controlled biasing circuits.
A system is provided to analyze cross-modulation distortion in audio devices, which may include testing with audio frequencies. One or more distortion signals from the audio device may be measured for an amplitude, phase, and or frequency modulation effect. In another embodiment a musical signal may be used as a test signal. Providing additional test signals to the audio device can induce a time varying cross-modulation distortion signal from an output of the audio device. Also utilizing at least one additional filter, filter bank, demodulator and or frequency converter and or frequency multiplier provides extra examination of distortion. Also frequency and or phase response can be measured with the presence of a de-sensing signal and or another signal that induce near slew rate limiting or near overload condition of the device under test.
A system is provided to analyze frequency (or phase) modulation distortion in an audio device, which may include testing with audio frequencies. In one embodiment a change in pitch (or frequency) is measured at an output of the audio device. One or more distortion signals from the audio device may be measured for an amplitude, phase, and or frequency modulation effect. In another embodiment a musical signal may be used as a test signal. Providing additional test signals to the audio device can induce a time varying cross-modulation distortion signal (or static cross-modulation distortion signal) from an output of the audio device. Also utilizing at least one additional filter, filter bank, demodulator and or frequency converter and or frequency multiplier provides extra examination of distortion. Also frequency and or phase response can be measured with the presence of a de-sensing signal and or another signal that induce near slew rate limiting or near overload condition of the device under test. Another system is provided to analyze modulation index differences between input and output signals for a test signal including modulation.
A number of field effect transistor circuits include voltage controlled attenuators or voltage controlled processing circuits. Example circuits include modulators, lower distortion variable voltage controlled resistors, sine wave to triangle wave converters, and or servo controlled biasing circuits.
A testing method or apparatus utilizes filter banks to measure time varying or dynamic harmonic distortion or intermodulation distortion from a device. With a stairstep or arbitrary signal and filter banks, Nth order harmonic and or intermodulation distortion is measured via the filter banks at different offsets provided by an arbitrary low frequency signal.An amplifier with crossover distortion will show increased harmonic and or intermodulation distortion near the zero crossing while providing less distortion in other portions of the transfer curve of the amplifier. One or more distortion signals from the device (e.g., audio device) may be measured for a phase and or frequency modulation effect.
A system is provided to analyze cross-modulation distortion in audio devices, which may include testing with audio frequencies. One or more distortion signals from the audio device may be measured for an amplitude, phase, and or frequency modulation effect. In another embodiment a musical signal may be used as a test signal. Providing additional test signals to the audio device can induce a time varying cross-modulation distortion signal from an output of the audio device.
A testing method or apparatus utilizes multiple frequencies applied to a device under test for measuring newly discovered frequency modulation effects. An embodiment may include a lower frequency signal with a smaller amplitude higher frequency signal to test a dynamic change in frequency response, gain, and or phase. This dynamic test can reveal frequency modulation effects. Another embodiment may include the use of a multiple frequency signal to dynamically induce a time varying phase or frequency distortion for the device that has differential phase distortion. The device's output is then measured with an FM detector to measure a shift in one of the frequencies used in the test signal or to measure frequency modulation effects of any signals, including distortion products, from the device. Yet another embodiment of the invention may include biasing a device with a voltage to span the output voltage range of the device while measuring harmonic or intermodulation distortion or phase or frequency response at the various operating points.
A method and apparatus is disclosed which reduces or removes the effectiveness of commercial skip systems such as presently found in VCRs, PVRs, etc. which are designed to delete commercials from signal material upon playback of a previously recorded version of the signal material. In an embodiment, the effectiveness of the commercial skip system is reduced or removed by adding a flat field of selected signal level to active line portions of video lines of the signal material. Other embodiments modify the normal fade to black signal indicative of a commercial to provide a fade to non-black signal. In further embodiments, a fade to non-black signal is inserted in an overscan area of the signal picture. Still further embodiments modify audio signals or selected signals in the horizontal blanking interval which may be used in commercial skip systems to detect the presence of commercials.
An integrated circuit or system receives a bit pattern from a metadata, IPG, and or EPG signal. This bit pattern is then coupled to a circuit to provide a content control command to a recorder or to a processing circuit to generate a content control signal. In particular the bit pattern may be utilized in a manner to program, enable, or disable the generated control signal. Furthermore this content control signal provides resistance to a circumvention device. For example, the circumvention device is unable to remove sufficiently the content control signal, and content control is maintained.