Method and Apparatus for Providing Presence Information
    Method and Apparatus for Providing Presence Information 有权





    申请人: Wallrust, Inc.

    IPC分类号: H04L29/08 H04L29/12 H04L12/58

    摘要: A system and method for a user to send presence information to authorized contacts in her device's address book and to receive the presence information of those contacts in her device's address book that have authorized her. A user can authorize any contact in her address book. Optionally, a user can only authorize a contact and be authorized by a contact if she is in that contact's address book. A local application on the device interacts with and displays the device's address book, manages the authorization of contacts, updates the user's presence, and receives and displays the presence of contacts. The local application updates the user's presence manually, semi-automatically, or automatically. Semi-automatic updates involve synchronizing with the device's calendar. Automatic updates may involve the use of location data, the device's built-in sensors, and augmented reality.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于用户向其设备地址簿中的授权联系人发送呈现信息并且接收其设备授权她的设备地址簿中的那些联系人的存在信息的系统和方法。 用户可以授权她的通讯录中的任何联系人。 可选地,如果用户在该联系人的地址簿中,用户只能授权联系人并被联系人授权。 设备上的本地应用程序与设备的地址簿进行交互并显示设备的通讯录,管理联系人的授权,更新用户的存在,并接收并显示联系人的存在。 本地应用程序可手动,半自动或自动更新用户的存在。 半自动更新涉及与设备的日历同步。 自动更新可能涉及使用位置数据,设备的内置传感器和增强现实。

    Method and system for providing presence information
    Method and system for providing presence information 有权





    申请人: WallRust, Inc.

    摘要: A system and method for a user to send presence information to authorized contacts in her device's address book and to receive the presence information of those contacts in her device's address book that have authorized her. A user can authorize any contact in her address book. Optionally, a user can only authorize a contact and be authorized by a contact if she is in that contact's address book. A local application on the device interacts with and displays the device's address book, manages the authorization of contacts, updates the user's presence, and receives and displays the presence of contacts. The local application updates the user's presence manually, semi-automatically, or automatically. Semi-automatic updates involve synchronizing with the device's calendar. Automatic updates may involve the use of location data, the device's built-in sensors, and augmented reality.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于用户向其设备地址簿中的授权联系人发送呈现信息并且接收其设备授权她的设备地址簿中的那些联系人的存在信息的系统和方法。 用户可以授权她的通讯录中的任何联系人。 可选地,如果用户在该联系人的地址簿中,用户只能授权联系人并被联系人授权。 设备上的本地应用程序与设备的地址簿进行交互并显示设备的通讯录,管理联系人的授权,更新用户的存在,并接收并显示联系人的存在。 本地应用程序可手动,半自动或自动更新用户的存在。 半自动更新涉及与设备的日历同步。 自动更新可能涉及使用位置数据,设备的内置传感器和增强现实。

    Identifying peers by their interpersonal relationships
    Identifying peers by their interpersonal relationships 审中-公开





    申请人: Wallrust, Inc.

    IPC分类号: H04L29/06 H04L29/08

    摘要: According to this disclosure, a user is identified (and selectively granted access to protected resources) by using information that describes the user's interpersonal relationships. This information typically is stored in a datastore, such as a digital address book, an online profile page, or the like. The user's digital address book carries an “acquaintance pattern” that changes dynamically in time. This pattern comprises the information in the user's contact list entries. In this approach, the entropy inherent in this information is distilled into a unique acquaintance digest (or “fingerprint”) by normalizing the contact list data, and then applying a cryptographic function to the result.

    摘要翻译: 根据本公开,通过使用描述用户的人际关系的信息来识别用户(并且选择性地授予对受保护的资源的访问)。 该信息通常存储在数据存储区中,例如数字地址簿,在线简档页面等。 用户的数字地址簿带有一个随时更改的“熟人模式”。 该模式包括用户的联系人列表条目中的信息。 在这种方法中,通过对联系人列表数据进行归一化,然后对结果应用加密函数,将该信息中固有的熵蒸馏成独特的熟人摘要(或“指纹”)。

    Method and System for Connecting People in a Social Network
    Method and System for Connecting People in a Social Network 审中-公开





    申请人: WallRust, Inc.

    IPC分类号: H04L29/08

    摘要: A system and method for connecting people in a social network using information from a user's digital address book. A social network member can unilaterally friend any contact in her address book. Optionally, a member can only friend a contact and be friended by a contact if she is in that contact's address book. An central server keeps track of friended members of the social network and contacts.

    摘要翻译: 一种使用用户数字地址簿中的信息连接社交网络中的人的系统和方法。 社交网络成员可以单方面地联系她的通讯录中的任何联系人。 可选地,如果成员在联系人的通讯录中,则只能联系联系人并联系联系人。 中央服务器跟踪社交网络和联系人的成员。

    Identifying peers by their interpersonal relationships





    申请人: Wallrust, Inc.

    IPC分类号: H04L29/06 H04L9/32 H04L29/08

    摘要: According to this disclosure, a user is identified (and selectively granted access to protected resources) by using information that describes the user's interpersonal relationships. This information typically is stored in a datastore, such as a digital address book, an online profile page, or the like. The user's digital address book carries an “acquaintance pattern” that changes dynamically in time. This pattern comprises the information in the user's contact list entries. In this approach, the entropy inherent in this information is distilled into a unique acquaintance digest (or “fingerprint”) by normalizing the contact list data, and then applying a cryptographic function to the result.

    Method and System for Providing Presence Information
    Method and System for Providing Presence Information 有权





    申请人: WallRust, Inc.

    IPC分类号: H04L29/08 H04L12/58

    摘要: A system and method for a user to send presence information to authorized contacts in her device's address book and to receive the presence information of those contacts in her device's address book that have authorized her. A user can authorize any contact in her address book. Optionally, a user can only authorize a contact and be authorized by a contact if she is in that contact's address book. A local application on the device interacts with and displays the device's address book, manages the authorization of contacts, updates the user's presence, and receives and displays the presence of contacts. The local application updates the user's presence manually, semi-automatically, or automatically. Semi-automatic updates involve synchronizing with the device's calendar. Automatic updates may involve the use of location data, the device's built-in sensors, and augmented reality.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于用户向其设备地址簿中的授权联系人发送呈现信息并且接收其设备授权她的设备地址簿中的那些联系人的存在信息的系统和方法。 用户可以授权她的通讯录中的任何联系人。 可选地,如果用户在该联系人的地址簿中,用户只能授权联系人并被联系人授权。 设备上的本地应用程序与设备的地址簿进行交互并显示设备的通讯录,管理联系人的授权,更新用户的存在,并接收并显示联系人的存在。 本地应用程序可手动,半自动或自动更新用户的存在。 半自动更新涉及与设备的日历同步。 自动更新可能涉及使用位置数据,设备的内置传感器和增强现实。