Complex index refraction tomography with sub λ/6-resolution
    Complex index refraction tomography with sub λ/6-resolution 有权
    具有亚λ/ 6分辨率的复折射折射断层扫描





    IPC分类号: G01B9/021 G02B21/00 G02B21/36

    CPC分类号: G02B21/365

    摘要: A method for imaging a microscopic object with improved resolution including the steps of measuring a complex wavefield scattered by the microscopic object with an instrument or microscope, the complex wavefield being represented by phase and amplitude or by real and imaginary parts; and computing an image of the microscopic object with a resolution better than given by the Abbe diffraction limit, including deconvolving the complex wavefield scattered by the microscopic object with a complex coherent transfer function (CTF) applied to the complex wavefield.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于利用改进的分辨率对微观物体进行成像的方法,包括用仪器或显微镜测量由微观物体散射的复杂波场的步骤,复波场由相位和幅度或实部和虚部表示; 并且以比阿贝衍射极限给出的分辨率更好地计算微观物体的图像,包括用应用于复波场的复相干传递函数(CTF)对由微观物体散射的复波场进行解卷积。






    IPC分类号: G01B9/021

    CPC分类号: G02B21/365

    摘要: The present invention discloses a method to improve the image resolution of a microscope. This improvement is based on the mathematical processing of the complex field computed from the measurements with a microscope of the wave emitted or scattered by the specimen. This wave is, in a preferred embodiment, electromagnetic or optical for an optical microscope, but can be also of different kind like acoustical or matter waves. The disclosed invention makes use of the quantitative phase microscopy techniques known in the sate of the art or to be invented. In a preferred embodiment, the complex field provided by Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM), but any kind of microscopy derived from quantitative phase microscopy: modified DIC, Shack-Hartmann wavefront analyzer or any analyzer derived from a similar principle, such as multi-level lateral shearing interferometers or common-path interferometers, or devices that convert stacks of intensity images (transport if intensity techniques: TIT) into quantitative phase image can be used, provided that they deliver a comprehensive measure of the complex scattered wavefield. The hereby-disclosed method delivers superresolution microscopic images of the specimen, i.e. images with a resolution beyond the Rayleigh limit of the microscope. It is shown that the limit of resolution with coherent illumination can be improved by a factor of 6 at least. It is taught that the gain in resolution arises from the mathematical digital processing of the phase as well as of the amplitude of the complex field scattered by the observed specimen. In a first embodiment, the invention teaches how the experimental observation of systematically occurring phase singularities in phase imaging of sub-Rayleigh distanced objects can be exploited to relate the locus of the phase singularities to the sub-Rayleigh distance of point sources, not resolved in usual diffraction limited microscopy. In a second, preferred embodiment, the disclosed method teaches how the image resolution is improved by complex deconvolution. Accessing the object's scattered complex field—containing the information coded in the phase—and deconvolving it with the reconstructed complex transfer function (CTF) is at the basis of the disclosed method. In a third, preferred embodiment, it is taught how the concept of “Synthetic Coherent Transfer Function” (SCTF), based on Debye scalar or Vector model includes experimental parameters of MO and how the experimental Amplitude Point Spread Functions (APSF) are used for the SCTF determination. It is also taught how to derive APSF from the measurement of the complex field scattered by a nanohole in a metallic film. In a fourth embodiment, the invention teaches how the limit of resolution can be extended to a limit of λ/6 or smaller based angular scanning. In a fifth embodiment, the invention teaches how the presented method can generalized to a tomographic approach that ultimately results in super-resolved 3D refractive index reconstruction.