Interface for a printed circuit board assembly adapter module





    发明人: Greg Alden Lloyd

    IPC分类号: H01R12/71 H01R12/70 H01R12/52

    摘要: Systems for interfacing a printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) adapter module to a receiver housing are provided. The receiver housing may have a first interface mounted on the receiver housing via a first mount and the PCBA adapter module may have a second interface mounted on the adapter module via a second mount. One of the interfaces has a protruding feature that aligns the interfaces when matingly engaged, while the other interface has a centering hole opposite the protruding feature. The first centering hole is enlarged with respect to an axis of an insertion-angle plane such that the protruding feature substantially clears the centering hole without causing either interface to exceed a limit of free-play between that interface and its respective mount.

    Recloser control with distributed energy resource synchronization





    IPC分类号: H02J3/38 H02J3/40 H02J3/48

    摘要: The present disclosure relates to a recloser control that provides autosynchronization of a microgrid to an area electric power system (EPS). For example, a recloser control may include an output connector that is communicatively coupled to a recloser at a point of common coupling (PCC) between the area EPS and the microgrid. The recloser control may include a processor that acquires a first set of measurements indicating electrical characteristics of the area EPS and acquires a second set of measurements indicating electrical characteristics of the microgrid. The recloser control may send synchronization signals to one or more distributed energy resource (DER) controllers to synchronize one or more DERs to the area EPS based on the first set of measurements and the second set of measurements.

    Real-time digital data degradation detection





    摘要: Systems and methods are disclosed to monitor real-time digital data for degradation. In one embodiment, an intelligent electronic device (“IED”) in an electric power system may include an interface to receive a stream of digital data, the stream of digital data comprising a plurality of data frames. A protective action subsystem may monitor the sampled digital data and implement a protective action based on the stream of sampled digital data. A digital data degradation detection subsystem may analyze a plurality of digital metrics associated with the plurality of data frames and make a determination regarding degradation of a communication channel based on whether the plurality of digital metrics fails at least one threshold. In response to the determination, the digital data degradation detection subsystem may implement a response to the determination that the plurality of digital metrics fails at least one threshold.

    Distance elements for line protection near unconventional sources





    IPC分类号: G01R31/08 G01R31/52

    摘要: Distance protection for electric power delivery systems that include an unconventional source is disclosed herein using apparent impedance independent of memory and cross-phase polarizing. The apparent impedance may be compared with an offset distance operating characteristic. Fault direction is determined by using zero-sequence ground directional logic for phase-to-ground faults. For phase-to-phase faults, fault direction is determined using weak-infeed directional logic. Fault direction may further use incremental quantity directional principles. The distance protection may further determine a faulted loop using voltage logic. The distance protection may select between traditional distance protection and the methods described herein based on the current feeding the fault.






    IPC分类号: H02H7/22 H02H1/00

    摘要: Systems and methods are described herein to accommodate different settings associated with a converter-based electric power generator and an inverter-based electric power generator for electric power generation within an electric power delivery system. The electric power delivery system may provide electric power generated by a bulk electric system to the loads via distributed substations using a first operating frequency. Moreover, the distributed substations may include inverter-based electric power generators to supply the electric power demand of downstream loads in an islanded configuration. That said, the inverter-based electric power generators may supply the electric power using a second frequency that is higher than the first frequency. Protective systems, positioned downstream from the distributed substations, may use different settings associated with the bulk electric system or the inverter-based electric power generators based on detecting the frequency of the supplied electric power.






    IPC分类号: G01R25/00 H02J13/00 G06F3/14

    摘要: Techniques and apparatus presented herein are directed toward monitoring an electric power delivery system to detect and locate a power generation event. A power generation event may include a tripped generator, a loss of a transmission line, or other loss of power generation. To detect the event, an analysis engine may receive and monitor input data. A detection signal may be generated based on the input data. Upon detecting the event, the analysis engine may determine a source and propagation of the event through the delivery system. Based on the source and propagation of the event, the analysis engine may determine the location of the event. The analysis engine may generate an overlay with the input data to provide the location and other information about the event to a user such that remedial action can be taken to resolve the event and restore the lost power generation.






    IPC分类号: H02H9/04 H02H1/00 H02H3/00

    摘要: A DC power supply may use an input supply surge protection circuit that may be robust against positive and negative power surges. DC power may be provided through a first unidirectional circuit component such as a diode or selectively controlled MOSFET coupled in parallel with a transient voltage suppressor or Zener diode. The first unidirectional circuit component may have a first voltage rating and the transient voltage suppressor or Zener diode may have a second voltage rating lower than the first voltage rating. This may allow current to flow backward over the transient voltage suppressor or Zener diode to protect the first unidirectional circuit component from exposure to voltage beyond the first voltage rating in a power surge.

    Automatically determining the size of a capacitor bank using wireless current sensors (WCS)





    摘要: The present disclosure relates to a capacitor bank controller that automatically determines the size of a capacitor bank using wireless current sensors. The capacitor bank controller determines a first capacitor bank size estimate using voltage and current measurements from when the capacitor bank is open and when the capacitor bank is closed a first time. The capacitor bank controller determines a second capacitor bank size estimate by using voltage measurements and current measurements from when the capacitor bank is open and when the capacitor bank is closed a second time. The capacitor bank controller determines a filtered capacitor bank size estimate based on the first capacitor bank estimate and the second capacitor bank estimate and controls operation of the capacitor bank based on the filtered capacitor bank size estimate.