The present invention provides a multidirectional exerciser for hand, wrist and forearm comprising a handle having an axial opening through which a bolt extends. A spring means is around one end of the bolt disposed against an adjustment ring. A resistance knob is mounted on the adjustment ring. A pressure plate is mounted at the opposite end of the handle between the handle and the head of the bolt. At least one clutch disc is disposed against the pressure plate. A knob is mounted around the pressure plate and clutch disc, mounted for relative rotational movement with respect to the handle. The wrists and hands are exercised by holding the handle in one hand and the knob/grip member in the other hand, and repetitively twisting the handle and knob/grip member in opposite directions. A detachable grip member is mounted over said knob and the detachable grip member further comprises a gyro ring and a squeeze grip strengthener.
The present invention provides a multidirectional exerciser for hand, wrist and forearm comprising a handle having an axial opening through which a bolt extends. A spring means is around one end of the bolt disposed against an adjustment ring. A resistance knob is mounted on the adjustment ring. A pressure plate is mounted at the opposite end of the handle between the handle and the head of the bolt. At least one clutch disc is disposed against the pressure plate. A knob is mounted around the pressure plate and clutch disc, mounted for relative rotational movement with respect to the handle. The wrists and hands are exercised by holding the handle in one hand and the knob/grip member in the other hand, and repetitively twisting the handle and knob/grip member in opposite directions. A detachable grip member is mounted over said knob and the detachable grip member further comprises a gyro ring and a squeeze grip strengthener.
An exercise step/bench for aerobic climbing and dance includes a base in the form of a horizontal platform having a downwardly and outwardly extending apron. A leg is reverseably mounted against the apron at each corner of the platform. The reverseable mounting of the legs permits height adjustment in accordance with the orientation of each leg.