Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verarbeitungsvorrichtung für Lebensmittelprodukte, in die eine Konditionierungsvorrichtung integriert ist, welche eine Formeinrichtung aufweist, die wenigstens ein Formelement mit einer Andrückfläche umfasst und in der Lage ist, ein Lebensmittelprodukt mittels der Andrückfläche gemäß einer durch die Andrückfläche definierten Querschnittsform zu formen, wobei die Andrückfläche gekühlt ist, wobei insbesondere die Verarbeitungsvorrichtung eine Schneidvorrichtung, insbesondere ein Hochleistungs-Slicer, ist, die eine Schneideinheit, welche ein rotierendes und/oder in einer Schneidebene umlaufendes Schneidmesser aufweist, und eine angetriebene Produktzuführung umfasst, die ein Lebensmittelprodukt in Richtung der Schneideinheit zustellt, und wobei die Konditionierungsvorrichtung der Schneideinheit vorgeschaltet ist.
L’invention concerne un emballage pour la préparation et le conditionnement d’une composition alimentaire du type «KEBAB», fabriquée par l’assemblage de matières alimentaires crues, notamment du veau, de la dinde ou du poulet, découpées en morceaux de formes et de dimensions quelconques, commercialisée dans ledit emballage et destinée à être utilisée en restauration maintenue par la broche d’un grill vertical de cuisson. L’emballage, selon l’invention, se caractérise essentiellement en ce qu’il comporte une boîte (1), un moule (2) contenu dans ladite boîte et un tube (3), centré dans ledit moule, destiné à être traversé par la broche du grill de cuisson et en ce que ledit moule contient la préparation alimentaire (4) qui est disposée autour dudit tube.
The invention relates to a feed tank for use in a high-pressure system, said feed tank having a hollow space (3) for accommodating food items, a wall (1) and a temperature-control device (5). The invention further relates to a method for the simultaneous high-pressure and temperature treatment in a high-pressure tank.
Se describe el "Dispositivo para la obtención de embutidos cárnicos, con una presentación de figura de fantasía al corte transversal", mediante esta invención se obtiene en forma práctica y a nivel comercial, esta nueva presentación de productos cárnicos. El cual consta de tres partes principales: Tapa superior con seguros de cerrado y mecanismo de prensa para variar la presión del embutido, lo cual se hace mediante una manivela para aplicar la presión en forma lineal. Contenedor del dispositivo, el cual es alargado, y es el que contiene la carne a ser procesada, para obtener la forma de fantasía del embutido cárnico. Tapa inferior, la cual incluye seguros de cerrado, y se amolda al contenedor. Con la utilización de este dispositivo se obtienen formas estilizadas de fantasía, con cabeza de conejo, corazón, cuarto de luna, estrella, etc. por mencionar algunas. Es un dispositivo para transformar y cambiar la presentación de los embutidos cárnicos, respecto de los tradicionales, para el aprovechamiento por el hombre para satisfacer su necesidad de alimento en una forma de fantasía, estética, diferente a la tradicional, única y distintiva.
A container (10), which can be used in particular for the facilitated slicing of preformed food products (21), comprises at least an outer shell, suitably shaped for the insertion of the preformed food product (21), and at least a buffer device (18), inserted inside the shell, which acts as a support (20) for the bottom of the preformed food product (21) to be sliced and which can be progressively moved in relation to a progressive reduction of the product (21), the container (10) can be used, in particular, for the slicing of food products, such as raw ham, which are processed on an industrial scale, in order to obtain a predefined form (usually parallelepiped) and thus allowing the regularity of the slice from the beginning to the end of the product (21).
The invention concerns a pressing mould for containing a food product such as ham while it is being cooked, said mould comprising a lid (40) designed to press said food product while it is being cooked so as to eliminate its dripping. The invention is characterised in that said pressing mould comprises at least a transverse partition (13) defining the inside of said mould, a main volume (14) for receiving the ham to be cooked enclosed in a main pouch (22) of a package (20) and a secondary volume (15) for receiving a lateral pouch (23) of said package (20), the top ridge of said or each partition being such that a free space is provided between it and said lid so as not to crimp the communication passages between the main pouch and the or each lateral pouch located above the corresponding partition.
A mould for forming meat, comprising a bottom die (2) formed as a recipient, a concavity of which faces in an upwards direction and is destined to contain the meat, a cover (6) for closing and sliding internally of the mouth of the concavity, and elastic pushing means (46) for pushing the cover (6) in order to compress the meat contained in the concavity of the bottom die (2); the elastic pushing means (46) being located externally of and by a side of the bottom die (2), and being singly interposed between an opposing element (45) fixed to the bottom die (2) and a vertically-mobile hook element (5) fixed to the bottom die (2), which hook element (5) is destined to hook the cover (6) in order to create a constraint preventing the cover (6) from separating from the hook element (5) in an upwards vertical direction.
The invention provides methods and moulding devices for moulding three-dimensional products from a mass of foodstuff which is suitable for human consumption, in particular from a mass of meat, in particular chicken. The method comprises filling a mould cavity (4) with a portion of the mass under the influence of a filling pressure exerted on the mass and for a filling period via a filling opening associated with the mould cavity, closing the filling opening of the mould cavity and holding the mass in the mould cavity for a fixing period. Then, the mould cavity is opened and the moulded product is removed from the mould cavity. The method uses fixing-pressure-exerting means (10) which are designed to exert a fixing pressure which acts on the mass in the mould cavity after the filled mould cavity has been closed.
A process is disclosed for producing shaped bodies from pasty foodstuffs arranged between two foils and then introduced into a mould consisting of two dies, in which the two foils laterally project beyond the mould dies. Both mould dies are then drawn near to each other, plastically shaping the foodstuff, and an excess amount of foodstuff is squeezed out of the gap between both mould dies. After the mould dies are opened, the foodstuff is removed by means of the projecting areas of the foils and is then cooled down to its solidification temperature. Finally, the excess amount of foodstuff projecting beyond the outline of the shaped body made of foodstuff is broken away from the shaped body and both foils are removed.
A process is disclosed for evening out the pH value of fresh meat, in particular veal, pork, poultry, lamb and game. The meat of animals freshly slaughtered is cut in individual pieces of meat and layered without any free spaces in a container, then a pressure is exerted on the layered pieces of meat from the outside, so that an osmosis takes place within and between the layered pieces of meat, because of the inner pressure thus generated in an anaerobic storage state. The meat is stored for at least seven days at a cooling temperature between -1 °C and about +2 °C.