Invention Grant
- Patent Title: 含有银杏提取物的持续释放微粒及其制备方法
- Patent Title (English): Sustained-release microgranules containing ginkgo extract and the process for manufacturing these
Application No.: CN200480031954.3Application Date: 2004-10-11
Publication No.: CN1874764BPublication Date: 2012-08-01
- Inventor: D·马雷夏尔 , 杨卫红 , 胡愈漳
- Applicant: 埃法尔姆公司
- Applicant Address: 法国乌当
- Assignee: 埃法尔姆公司
- Current Assignee: 埃法尔姆公司
- Current Assignee Address: 法国乌当
- Agency: 中国国际贸易促进委员会专利商标事务所
- Agent 李华英
- Priority: 03292512.5 2003.10.10 EP
- International Application: PCT/IB2004/003542 2004.10.11
- International Announcement: WO2005/034923 EN 2005.04.21
- Date entered country: 2006-04-28
- Main IPC: A61K9/50
- IPC: A61K9/50 ; A61K36/16
Public/Granted literature
- CN1874764A 含有银杏提取物的持续释放微粒及其制备方法 Public/Granted day:2006-12-06
Information query