EP0609169A3 Couscous 失效

A shelf-storable new and improved couscous food product satisfying traditional couscous granular mouthfeel is made by extruding a wheat-based doughy mass and cutting the extrudate into particles of uniform couscous size (i.e., between about 0.85 and about 2.5 mm. mesh). When examined under a magnification of 12 times, the new particles, although lacking the agglomeration structure of traditional couscous, have a mouthfeel structure characterized by (i) substantially smooth surfaces on the exterior thereof and (ii) angularly projecting edges on the exterior thereof. Further, the particles are substantially translucent, have a Water Absorption Index greater than 4.7, and have a substantially uniform and dense extrusion compacted composition comprised essentially of the starches and gluten-forming proteins in a blend of durum wheat flour or middlings or semolina and an optional content of flours or middlings or farinas of cereal grains other than durum wheat. At least about 80% of the dry solids weight of the starches in the product are gelatinized. The product is quickly hydratable in preparing it for consumption.