EP0961443A1 Switching system comprising a mask mechanism for altering the internal routing process 失效
Vermittlungssystem mit einem Maskiermechanismus zurÄnderungdes internen Leitweglenkungsprozesses

Switching system comprising a mask mechanism for altering the internal routing process
A Switching system (15 or 25) receiving data cells from a set of n input ports and to be routed to one or more output ports in accordance with the contents of a bitmap value introduced in the cell at the entrance of said module, said module comprising a shared buffer for storing the cells which are to be routed. The systems further comprises a mask mechanism with a mask register for altering the value of the bitmap before it is used for controlling the routing process for either transporting the considered cell to the output port or discarding the latter. Two switching systems are combined in a first and a second Switch Fabrics (10, 20) in order to respectively form a first and second switch cores, located in a centralized building and a set of Switch Core Access Layer (S.C.A.L.) elements distributed in different physical areas. Each SCAL element respectively comprises a SCAL Receive element (11-i) and a SCAL Xmit element (12-i) for respectively permitting access to a corresponding input and output port of one of said switching system. A set of Port Adapters (30; 31) are distributed at different physical areas and are connected to said first and second Switch Fabrics via a particular SCAL element so that each Switching system (15, 25) receives the sequence of cells coming from any Port adapter and conversely any Port adapter may receive data from any one of said first or second switch cores. The mask achieves the distribution of the first and second switching systems between the different attached Port adapters, thus providing a load balancing between the two switching systems permitting to associate their individual buffering resources.