EP0965969A1 The method of conveying information to the nervous system of a person 失效
Verfahren zurInformationsübermittlungzum Nervensystem einer Person

The method of conveying information to the nervous system of a person
The method includes disintegration of the initial information into separate streams, coding each stream as a sequence of signals and transmitting the signals of each stream to the separate fixed areas situated on the integument of a person forming in total skin sensitive information zone, the function of coding being cyclically changed in the process of conveying information, i.e. conveying the visual information is carried out with electrical signals discretely frame by frame with cyclical frame by frame changing the dependence of current intensity and/or voltage of signals from the brightness of corresponding fragments of the frames ensuring integration of perceiving frames within the limits of a cycle with choosing time characteristics of the cycles; the dependence of current intensity and/or voltage of the signals from the brightness of the corresponding fragment is direct in a part of the cycle (positive frames) and is inverse in the other part of the cycle (negative frames), the number of the positive cycles can be more or less than that of the negative ones, the frequency of the signals' current in the negative and positive fragments of the cycle may be different.