Invention Grant
- Patent Title: 창틀 고정용 브래키트
- Patent Title (English): A fixing bracket for window frame
- Patent Title (中): 一个用于窗框的固定支架
Application No.: KR1020070050106Application Date: 2007-05-23
Publication No.: KR100780317B1Publication Date: 2007-11-28
- Inventor: 김한기
- Applicant: 김 한 기
- Applicant Address: 경기도 용인시 기흥구 연원로 **, ***동 ****호 (보정동, 연원마을성원아파트)
- Assignee: 김 한 기
- Current Assignee: 김 한 기
- Current Assignee Address: 경기도 용인시 기흥구 연원로 **, ***동 ****호 (보정동, 연원마을성원아파트)
- Agent 조활래
- Main IPC: E06B1/56
- IPC: E06B1/56 ; E06B1/60 ; E06B1/36
A fixing bracket for a window frame is provided to improve stability and facilitate the finishing work for the window frame by reducing a gap between a window frame and a wall. A fixing bracket for a window frame comprises a fixation member(10), a movable member(12) and a position fixing bolt(48). The fixation member(10) includes a vertical unit(14) and a horizontal unit(16), which are perpendicular to each other. Bending struts(27,27') support the horizontal unit(16) at two opposite sides of the vertical unit(14). The movable member(12) includes a plate unit(30), which corresponds to the horizontal unit(16) of the fixation member(10), and bending sidewalls(32,32'). The position fixing bolt(48) includes an outer spiral section(44), which is screw-coupled with a guide hole(26) in the fixation member(10).
Information query