Invention Publication
- Patent Title: 내플라즈마 특성을 갖는 희토류 산화물-알루미나계 세라믹 및 그 제조방법
- Patent Title (English): Rare-earth oxide-alumina ceramics having excellent plasma erosion resistance and manufacturing method of the same
- Patent Title (中): 具有优异的耐等离子体侵蚀性的稀土氧化物 - 氧化铝陶瓷及其制造方法
Application No.: KR1020110050951Application Date: 2011-05-27
Publication No.: KR1020120132247APublication Date: 2012-12-05
- Inventor: 이성민 , 김경범 , 오윤석
- Applicant: 한국세라믹기술원
- Applicant Address: 경상남도 진주시 소호로 *** (충무공동, 부속건물세라믹소재종합지원센터)
- Assignee: 한국세라믹기술원
- Current Assignee: 한국세라믹기술원
- Current Assignee Address: 경상남도 진주시 소호로 *** (충무공동, 부속건물세라믹소재종합지원센터)
- Agent 고길수
- Main IPC: C04B35/50
- IPC: C04B35/50 ; C04B35/10 ; C04B35/622 ; C04B35/64
PURPOSE: A rare earth oxide-alumina based ceramic with plasma resistance and excellent mechanical strength and a manufacturing method thereof are provided to obtain a ceramic which has phase stability and an excellent plasma-proof property. CONSTITUTION: A rare earth oxide-alumina based ceramics with plasma resistance is rare earth oxide-alumina based ceramic with a composition of A3Al5O12. A site is composed of GdxY1-x(0
Public/Granted literature
- KR101268870B1 내플라즈마 특성을 갖는 희토류 산화물-알루미나계 세라믹 및 그 제조방법 Public/Granted day:2013-05-29
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