Photodiode array
A photodiode array has a plurality of photodetector channels formed on an n-type substrate having an n-type semiconductor layer, with a light to be detected being incident to the photodetector channels. The array comprises: a p−-type semiconductor layer on the n-type semiconductor layer of the substrate; resistors is provided to each of the photodetector channels and is connected to a signal conductor at one end thereof; and an n-type separating part between the plurality of photodetector channels. The p−-type semiconductor layer forms a pn junction at the interface between the substrate, and comprises a plurality of multiplication regions for avalanche multiplication of carriers produced by the incidence of the light to be detected so that each of the multiplication regions corresponds to each of the photodetector channels.
H 电学
H01 基本电气元件
H01L 半导体器件;其他类目中不包括的电固体器件(使用半导体器件的测量入G01;一般电阻器入H01C;磁体、电感器、变压器入H01F;一般电容器入H01G;电解型器件入H01G9/00;电池组、蓄电池入H01M;波导管、谐振器或波导型线路入H01P;线路连接器、汇流器入H01R;受激发射器件入H01S;机电谐振器入H03H;扬声器、送话器、留声机拾音器或类似的声机电传感器入H04R;一般电光源入H05B;印刷电路、混合电路、电设备的外壳或结构零部件、电气元件的组件的制造入H05K;在具有特殊应用的电路中使用的半导体器件见应用相关的小类)
H01L31/00 对红外辐射、光、较短波长的电磁辐射,或微粒辐射敏感的,并且专门适用于把这样的辐射能转换为电能的,或者专门适用于通过这样的辐射进行电能控制的半导体器件;专门适用于制造或处理这些半导体器件或其部件的方法或设备;其零部件(H01L51/42优先;由形成在一共用衬底内或其上的多个固态组件,而不是辐射敏感元件与一个或多个电光源的结合所组成的器件入H01L27/00)
H01L31/08 .其中的辐射控制通过该器件的电流的,例如光敏电阻器
H01L31/10 ..特点在于至少有一个电位跃变势垒或表面势垒的,例如光敏晶体管
H01L31/101 ...对红外、可见或紫外辐射敏感的器件
H01L31/102 ....仅以一个势垒或面垒为特征的
H01L31/107 .....以雪崩模式工作的势垒,如雪崩光二极管