Speech intelligibility enhancement system
A speech intelligibility system. Embodiments comprise a talker unit, a listener unit and an earpiece. The talker unit includes a microphone to receive audible speech content and to produce electrical signals representative of the speech content, and a transmitter coupled to the microphone to produce wireless transmissions containing the speech content. The listener unit includes a receiver to receive the wireless transmissions and to produce electrical signals representative of the speech content. At least one of the talker unit and the listener unit includes an amplifier to amplify spectral components of the speech content within a frequency range having a lower end between about 800 Hz and 1,700 Hz and an upper end between about 7,000 Hz and 11,000 Hz. The earpiece is coupled to the listener unit and includes a speaker to produce audible speech content having the amplified spectral components and a tube to direct the audible speech content from the speaker toward a user's ear canal.