Duty cycle monitor circuit and method for duty cycle monitoring
An electronic system includes a clock generation circuit to generate a clock signal; and a duty cycle monitoring circuit, DTC, to monitor a duty cycle of the generated clock signal. The DTC includes a differential signal generator circuit to generate an inverted and a non-inverted representation of the generated clock signal. An averaging circuit averages the non-inverted representation and the inverted representation of the generated clock signal. A comparison circuit includes at least a first comparator to compare the averaged non-inverted representation of the generated clock signal with a second respective reference voltage threshold and a second comparator configured to compare the averaged inverted representation with a first respective reference voltage threshold. A reference voltage generation circuit provides the first respective reference voltage threshold associated with the averaged inverted representation of the generated clock signal and provides the second respective reference voltage threshold associated with the non-inverted representation of the generated clock signal. A summing circuit is sums outputs of the first and second comparators and outputs a monitored duty cycle of the generated clock signal.