Mobility device
Novel mobility devices are disclosed wherein one embodiment comprises a support frame and one or more boosters coupled to the frame. The booster preferably comprises a housing, a top support extending upward from the housing, and an opposing bottom support extending downward from the housing. The bottom support is preferably biased toward the housing. The housing may contain a sleeve having a top channel in communication with an opposing bottom channel. The top channel is configured to receive the top support, whereas the bottom channel is configured to receive the bottom support, a retaining ring, and a spring. The spring is disposed between a floor of the bottom channel and the retaining ring. The sleeve may also have a socket configured to receive a roller, wherein the roller has a bottom hole configured to receive the top support. The device permits the user to stand from a seated position or vice versa without the assistance of a third party, grab hold of handlebars extending from the frame, and then move about with independence. The device may also be folded for ease of storage.