Autonomous submersible offshore marine platform
It is an object of the present invention to provide a means of constructing an Autonomous fully-Submersible Offshore Marine Platform (ASOMP) of considerable warfighting or commercial capability which is mobile and can autonomously transport to a hazardous operating area in a low-observable reduced vulnerability manner, fully submerge to avoid the military or environmental threat hazard, hibernate until needed, perform fully submerged mobility and mission operations, surface and provide Barge and SWATH surface ship mobility and mission operations, resubmerge if the hazardous threat appears and relocate to a new operating area. Another object of the present invention is to provide a fully autonomous and submersible low-cost “lily-pad” that surfaces when called and provides a main deck platform at appropriate freeboard and seakeeping motions to function as a refueling landing zone and pier to extend the range of aircraft and marine vehicles operating in a high-threat environment.