Invention Grant
- Patent Title: System, method, and apparatus for a high-efficiency heat riser
Application No.: US17108808Application Date: 2020-12-01
Publication No.: US11304338B1Publication Date: 2022-04-12
- Inventor: Nan Chen , He Zhao , Yunshui Chen
- Applicant: Nan Chen , He Zhao , Yunshui Chen
- Applicant Address: AU Templestowe; AU Flagstaff Hill; US CA San Ramon
- Assignee: Nan Chen,He Zhao,Yunshui Chen
- Current Assignee: Nan Chen,He Zhao,Yunshui Chen
- Current Assignee Address: AU Templestowe; AU Flagstaff Hill; US CA San Ramon
- Agency: Bay Area IP Group, LLC
- Agent Ariel S. Bentolila
- Main IPC: H05K7/20
- IPC: H05K7/20
A system, method, and apparatus for a heat riser having stackable blocks of thermally conductive material that include an upper block and a lower block, wherein the lower block has a lower surface that is configured to be engaged in thermal communication with a heat source. The lower block also having an inclined upper surface, that is configured to be in thermal communication with a block directly above, having a complemental inclined surface, wherein the blocks are elastically coupled with elastic components. The upper block may slide along the lower block allowing for vertical and horizontal axial elastic adjustment while providing consistent pressure to both the heat source and a cooling source to provide for heat dispersion along a thermal pathway from the heating source through the lower block, upper block and to a cooling source.
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