Method for cold deformation of an austenitic steel
A method for partial hardening of an austenitic steel by utilizing during cold deformation the TWIP (Twinning Induced Plasticity), TWIP/TRIP or TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity) hardening effect. Cold deformation is carried out by cold rolling at least one surface of the steel with forming degree (Φ) of 5≤Φ≤60% in order to achieve in the steel at least two consecutive areas with different mechanical values in thickness, yield strength (Rp0.2), tensile strength (Rm) and elongation, having a ratio (r) between the ultimate load ratio (ΔF) and the thickness ratio (Δt) of 1.0>r>2.0, and in which the areas are mechanically connected to each other by a transition area having a thickness that is variable from the thickness of the first area in the deformation direction to the thickness of the second area in the deformation direction.