Room-sized holographic video
A method and system are disclosed for using circular symmetry to eliminate the angle limitations of an optical axis in a scanned aperture holography system. A Room-sized Holography System may be a scanned aperture holographic video display and may comprise a rotating platform, a telescope comprising a first lens and a second lens, and scanners at the Fourier plane where the focal length of the first lens and the second lens meet. The platform may rotate around an axis aligned with a spatial light modulator. When the platform rotates, the scanners rotate, thereby de-rotating a SAW image. The second lens may be a spherical reflective surface for redirecting light from the spatial light modulator, having passed through the first lens and reflected off a mirror-scanner, toward a user's eyes. The user may be on a chair above the spatial light modulator, wherein the chair is configured to rotate with the spatial light modulator.