Water-draining joint sealing tape made of foam for different profile dimensions and sealing arrangement comprising such a joint sealing tape
A water-draining joint sealing tape can be used universally for different profile dimensions, for sealing structural joints against sound and/or smoke and optionally against fire. A joint sealing tape for sealing a joint between a first component and a second component can include an elongate connecting element and at least two sealing elements which are positioned on the connecting element so as to be spaced apart next to one another and so as to extend in the longitudinal direction of the connecting element. The sealing elements and the connecting element can include a one piece open-cell, slow-burning foam and encased by a plastic film, which tape has at least one opening in the plastic film on an underside of each sealing element. Furthermore, a water-draining sealing arrangement for sealing structural joints can be utilized.
E 固定建筑物
E04 建筑物
E04B 一般建筑物构造;墙,例如,间壁墙;屋顶;楼板;顶棚;建筑物的隔绝或其他防护(墙、楼板、或顶棚上的开口的边沿构造入E06B1/00)
E04B1/00 一般构造;不限于墙,例如,间壁墙,或楼板或顶棚或屋顶中任何一种结构(脚手架,模板入E04G;特殊用途的建筑物用的专用结构,建筑物的一般布置,例如,模数协调入E04H;建筑物的特殊构件见这些构件的有关组)
E04B1/62 .隔绝或其他防护;用于此目的构件或使用的特殊材料(化学成分入C01至C11;用于提供隔绝或密封的器具入E04F21/00;能经受或提供保护不希望出现的外界影响的建筑物入E04H9/00;在墙内或间壁墙内的密封管入F16L5/02;对危害性辐射的屏蔽入G21F;建筑物特殊部分的构造参见有关这些部分的各组)
E04B1/66 ..密封(使灰浆具有防渗漏性质的添加剂入C04B;沥青密封材料入C08L95/00;一般水利工程设施的密封入E02B3/16;地下潮气或地下水的防护入E02D31/02;防雨或防其他大气降落物的覆盖入E04D;密封片的材料成分或制造参见有关这些片材的类)
E04B1/68 ...接缝用的,例如,伸缩缝(道路或机场的接缝用填料入E01C11/02;桥梁的伸缩缝入E01D19/06;基础桩之间的接缝密封入E02D5/14;基础结构之间的接缝入E02D29/16;屋面覆盖构件之间的接缝或缝隙的密封设施入E04D1/36;屋面覆盖构件之间的接缝密封入E04D3/38;在现场用大块材堆料制成的楼板或楼面层的接缝构造入E04F15/14)