US20010025085A1 Aromatic vinyl resin material and molded products thereof 失效

Aromatic vinyl resin material and molded products thereof
The present invention provides resin materials for producing molded products endowed with excellent heat resistance, solvent resistance, toughness, tensile elongation, and transparency. Specifically, there are provided aromatic vinyl resin materials which have the following properties: Storage elasticity values Gnull(1.0) and Gnull(0.1) as measured at 300null C., a strain null of 20%, and a frequency of 1.0 Hz or 0.1 Hz satisfy the expression, lognullGnull(1.0)/Gnull(0.1)nullnull0.6, the heat of fusion nullH as measured over the range 200-295null C. is 8 to 50 (J/g), and the 1H-NMR peak integrated values for the fraction corresponding to the temperature range of not lower than 50null C., as collected from temperature rising election fraction on the Soxhlet extraction residue by use of cyclohexane or o-dichlorobenzene, satisfy the relation null1.8-2.1 (ppm)null/null1.0-1.7(ppm))