Method and apparatus for producing decabromodiphenyl alkanes
A method of producing decabromodiphenyl alkanes includes the steps of charging a reaction vessel with bromine and a bromination catalyst and introducing a diphenyl alkane into the vessel at a location above the level of the charge bromine and catalyst. A dip tube apparatus for introducing the diphenyl alkane includes an inner tube and an outer tube, each of which are disposed above the surface of the bromine reaction vessel. The inner tube is fitted with a plug having an opening. Diphenyl alkane flows through the inner tube, out the opening in the plug, and into the reactor. The outer tube is disposed around and along the inner tube. Reaction mass from the vessel is recirculated from the vessel, through the outer tube and back to the vessel so as to form a curtain of reaction mass around the stream of diphenyl alkane being simultaneously fed into the reaction vessel.