Invention Application
- Patent Title: Bladder-based apparatus and method for dispensing coatings
- Patent Title (中): 基于膀胱的装置和分配涂层的方法
Application No.: US10920211Application Date: 2004-08-18
Publication No.: US20050150453A1Publication Date: 2005-07-14
- Inventor: Walter Simmons , Walter Simmons
- Applicant: Walter Simmons , Walter Simmons
- Main IPC: B05B9/047
- IPC: B05B9/047 ; B05B9/08 ; B05C11/10 ; B05D1/02 ; B65D83/14 ; C23C16/00

The invention is related to a coating delivery system that includes at least one pressure vessel having an inner surface, a flexible bladder disposed in a first pressure vessel and having an open condition and a closed condition, an internal region disposed between the inner surface and the bladder, and a deliverable substance including a coating component interspersed with at least one of liquefied carbon dioxide and supercritical carbon dioxide. The deliverable substance is disposed in one of the flexible bladder and the internal region, and the pressure-conveying fluid is received in the other to exert pressure on the deliverable substance and thereby permit transport thereof when the flexible bladder is in the open condition.
Information query