The car runs on twelve DC 12 volt batteries. One battery is 12 volt and 145 Ampere. So the total equals up to 144 volts and 1740 Ampere. We use a DC motor from 120-144 volts. The car starts from 450 Ampere to 500 Ampere. While it's moving it forms 200-250 Ampere. From this description it travels about a full distance of 1-2 hours. As the car runs it generates energy from the four wheels which is connected to the generators and the generator runs from the wind. From the back two wheels it creates 72 volts and from the two wheels in the front it creates 24 volts. All together it creates 96 volts. From the wind it creates 48-60 volts. Every 12 volts it creates 250 ampere. We can control how much ever energy can be produced depending on the wind and the wheels, also the size of the car.