US20060146988A1 Early Answer 审中-公开

  • 专利标题: Early Answer
  • 专利标题(中): 早期答案
  • 申请号: US10905202
    申请日: 2004-12-21
  • 公开(公告)号: US20060146988A1
    公开(公告)日: 2006-07-06
  • 发明人: Dennis Matthews
  • 申请人: Dennis Matthews
  • 申请人地址: US NC Cameron
  • 专利权人: Dennis Matthews
  • 当前专利权人: Dennis Matthews
  • 当前专利权人地址: US NC Cameron
  • 主分类号: H04M1/64
  • IPC分类号: H04M1/64
Early Answer
An answering machine for preventing the ring of phones in the same location, by answering the phone before the other phones on the same line has a chance to answer. This has many uses two examples but not limited to these examples are Sleeping Baby or Third Shift workers trying to sleep during the day or night. The machine looks for the wave form of the ring on the line and answers at a fast rate, Plays a prerecorded message to the user instructing them to call back later, message recording system can take a message, or allow them to press a key on there phone and ring a ringer on the box if it is an emergency. Unit can also have the option of using a remote ringer triggered by RF signal, or by connecting to the line in another room or area that has access to the same phone line. A telephone ring is an AC signal between 15-68 HZ. We can watch the line for an AC signal when the phone is on the hook and wait for this signal by watching for a pulse (Fig A) or wave (Fig B) within this frequency range. Most of the time this signal is a square wave (Pulse), but some older phone companies still exist that use a wave form.